The Caving Days 2019 were again a success.
You can still enjoy it by viewing the photos in our photo gallery.
And you can also enjoy with this video from Erik De Groef.
Golden Spelerpes
During the Caving Days, a Golden Spelerpes were posthumously awarded to Theo Van Steenkiste (†) and Alex De Roover (†) for their commitment to the VVS.
Marc Pauwels receives a Golden Spelerpes for his efforts as chairman of the VVS. We owe our current accommodation, among other things, to them.
An extra Golden Spelerpes was awarded to Anita Baugniet for her many years of commitment at the VVS secretariat.
Winners photo competition
All entries and winners can be found in this video, as presented on the Caving Days 2019.
The winner of the best portfolio of the VVS photo competition 2019 is Paul De Bie.
The prizes were donated by the VVS. The natura prize (a padded photo bag) by Da Factory, the Belgian dealer of Hugyfot underwater housings for cameras and Greenforce diving lamps (whether or not suitable for photography and video). See
Our partners
We also wish to thank our partners for their contribution.
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