The registrations go via the VVS website.

The start date of registrations will be communicated later.

When registering you should indicate the choice of accommodation, and per participant the diet preferences for all participants you register (of the same family).

Your registration is more than just your ticket to participate to the weekend. The moment of registration and a correct payment of the registration fee determines the order that is used to draw up the call list to register for the cave tours.

The payment to complete the registration should be deposited on the VVS bank account within 7 days to safeguard your position on the call list for the cave tours.

IBAN: BE17 7343 3250 7521
Verbond van Vlaamse Speleologen
Mechelsesteenweg 586 c 10
1800 Vilvoorde

In other words: who registers and pays first has the best chance to visit his favorite cave.